Supervised Learning

Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo

K-NN Basic Approach

  1. store all training examples
    • For new(i.e. test) examples, find k nearest stored examples
    • combine these k into the answer for the test example

How to choose a special k?: Use tune set! Cross-validation

For k-NN, good idea to normalize your data

  • zero mean + unit standard deviation
  • scale to [-1, 1] or [0, 1]

Some Variations

  1. weigh neighbours by 1 / distance
    • draw an N-dimension sphere and collect all points inside, then do a vote
    • curse of dimensionality: irrelevant features overwhelm informative features as dimension grows

The standard (non-deep) structure of Artificial neural network

  • weights: persist between examples, though learning algorithm changes them slowly
  • Different ANNs:
    • No Hidden Unit: perceptron
    • Several layers of Hidden Units: DEEP Neural Network
  • Activation Functions (except for input units)
  • forward propagation (“reasoning”)
  • train the threshold
  • delta (learning) rule
  • weight space
  • early stopping
  • epoch is one cycle through all training examples
  • cs540 Jim Gast@1999
  • cs540 Chuck Dyer@2014

Training/Learning the - (aka, bias)

Treating the bias as the n+1 feature (a special weight with input 1)

# i = [1, N]
#: THETA is bias
If sum(Wi * OUTi) >= theta: # the step function
    return 1
    return 0

# i = [1, N+1]
# Where OUTn+1 = -1 and WEIGHTn+1 = theta
If sum(Wi * OUTi) >= 0: # the step function
    return 1
    return 0

For each neural layer in an MLP network, there is also a bias term. Note that unlike MLP networks, the bias term of an RBF neural network connects to the output neurons only.

Linear separability

  • If we can N features, can an N-1 dimensional hyperplane separate the + and - example
  • Rewriting the “body” of the IF

      Line y = mx + b
      W1X1 + W2X2 = THETA is the "decision boundary"
      Solving for X2
          X2 = (THETA - W1X1) / W2 = (-W1/W2)X1 + THETA
  • XOR is not linearly separable
Perceptron convergence theorem by Rosenblatt
  • If there is a set of weights that correctly classify the ( linearly seperable ) training patterns, then the learning algorithm will find one such weight set, w in a finite number of iterations (Rosenblatt)
  • if a set of examples is linearly separable then the delta rule will learn the concept (i.e. get all the training examples correct)

backward propagation (“learning”)

  • How to define the error or discrepency E of ANN?
    • use sqaured error as the loss function
    • Error = 0.5 * (y - Hw) ** 2
      • The factor of 0.5 is included to cancel the exponent when differentiating. Later, the expression will be multiplied with an arbitrary learning rate, so that it does not matter if a constant coefficient is introduced now.
  • How to learn from the calculated Error?
    1. Follow the direction of Gradient descent
      • So the activiation function should be derivable - Finding the derivative of the error: CUSTOMIZED_ERROR
      • If in output layer, the CUSTOMIZED_ERROR could be defined as: Error * g’(self) (aka, the kth component of the error vector y - Hw * the gradient of this output component)
      • If in hidden layer, the CUSTOMIZED_ERROR would be affected by many succeed nodes, so CUSTOMIZED_ERROR = g’(self) * sum(succeed_weight * succeed_delta)
      • If there is an error, the more a previous layer node contributes the error (weight) the more punishments the previous input should undertake
      • The punishments would propagate until the input layer - update weight (the gradient) by: OUTj * CUSTOMIZED_ERRORk
  • Neural network tutorial video
  • An Example of Back Propagation Algorithm
  1. Error = 0.5 * sum[(TEACHi - Outi) ** 2]
    • Error = 0.5 * sum[(TEACHi - f(sum(Wi,j * OUTj))) ** 2]
    • Error = 0.5 * sum[(TEACHi - f(sum(Wi,j * f(sum(Wj,k * OUTk))))) ** 2]
Delta rule

In machine learning, the delta rule is a gradient descent learning rule for updating the weights of the inputs to artificial neurons in single-layer neural network.

In single-layer network, its Delta Rule is the derivative of the error

Can improve by:

  1. decreasing threshold
    • if OUTj < 0: then lessen reduce the weight on this “negative” evidence

Weight Space (one point in weight space labels all points in feature space)

  • the space of all possible values of all of the neuron’s weights
  • the gradient descent is performed in weight space

Four Views of Hidden Units (not disjoint)

  1. perceptron
    • Learn good derived features (e.g. edge detection in computer vision)
    • Divide Feature Space int O(2 ** N) Regions
    • Learn a set of good basis functions for learning complex functions

Drop Out (Network)

The idea is simple: During the training process, hidden nodes and their connections are randomly dropped from the neural network.

It adresses the main problem in machine learning, that is overfitting. It does so by “dropping out” some unit activations in a given layer, that is setting them to zero. Thus it prevents co-adaptation of units and can also be seen as a method of ensembling many networks sharing the same weights.

The idea has a biological inspiration. When a child is conceived, it receives half its genes from each parent. Because of this the genes cannot rely on a presence of any other particular genes and it forces them to be useful on their own and play well with unknown others.

  1. During each forward propagation & back propagation, for each input example, each Hidden Unit has an independent probability P(e.g. 0.5) to set its activation to zero (which means dropout)
    • During testing, multiply each weight by (1 - P) since that is its expected value during training

Viewing as an Ensemble. All of these reped in our full ANN, with one selected during drop out

ANN wrap up

  • lots of current excitement & success
  • simple idea, gradient descent
    • limitation of gradient descent is local minima
  • computationally demanding
  • hard to understand what was learned (“rule extraction”)

Support Vector Machines

Three Key Ideas

  1. Pick the best separating line
    • largest margin - Pay penalty for misclassified training examples
    • min COST = 0.5   w   ** 2 + 0.5 lambda sum[(TEACHERi - PREDICTEDi) ** 2]
      • w want big margin
      • lambda: a weighting term (use tune set to choose good value)
      • In fact, min COST = model_complexity + error_rate
        • Switch (via “similarity” functions, a.k.a. kernels) to a different representation, where percei suffice
We will find a good setting for the weights using gradient descent (instead of linear quadratic programming)

Third SVM Idea - kernels

  • create new features NEW_FEATUREi = similarity(NEW_EXAMPLE, TRAINING_EXAMPLEi) of new example
  • then run SVM in this new feature set
  • Note this is also Hidden Units did

A simple, but compelling example of the Power of Kernels
