Sparrow Omega

Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


  • Yarn: centralized scheduling: limited throughput
  • scheduling without coordination
    • sparrow distributed scheduling
    • omega uncoordinated, multi-schedules

Sparrow scheduling unit

  • schedule “m” tasks at a time
  • 1st level: constrained
    • data locality is largely constrained
  • unconstrained

Sparrow scheduling goals/non-goals

  • Goals:
    • high-fault tolerance (scheduler)
    • very high throughput/ low latency
    • throughput scales with jobs
    • as simple as possible
  • Non-goals:
    • explicit job-level fairness guarantees
    • some constraints
    • bin-packing


  • one query: multiple jobs
    • one job: multiple stage
      • scheduling same stage at once
  • one scheduler per job
    • batch-sampling
  • each executor is a JVM
  • each executor has a task queue
  • per-task sampling
    • sampling maybe highly random, may choose two slow executors
    • problems in probing some executors
      1. race conditions
        • their queue length may not reflect the real condition
late binding
  1. enqueue some reservation in the executor
    • when executor encounter the reservation, it will ask for a task
    • schedule in m fastest responoding executors


  • data locality -> per-task sampling on relevant nodes
  1. one scheduler per “front end” instance (a query)
    • Each query can have other Front-Ends as backup
    • Backup can pick when primary fails, but apps decides if rescheduling is needed



  • monolithic
  • schedulers for different sub-cluster
    • leads to inefficiency
  • multi-level scheduler (Mesos)


  • when contention on same resource:
    • precedence across workloads, satisfy precedence firstly
    • optimistic concurrency control