Current distributed stream processing model
- requiring hot replication
- long recovery times
- do not handle stragglers
- Continuous operator model: Storm, TimeStream, MapReduce Online and streaming DBs
- long-running, stateful operators receive each record, update internal state and send new records
- since it is stateful, it is hard to provide fault tolerance efficiently
- like Map and Reduce job, no start and no stop, always running
- how to do recovery?
- replication and also synchronization protocol
- to ensure replicas receive messages in the same order
- upstream backup: upstream nodes buffer sent messages and replay them to a new copy of a failed node
- this will take longer time to recover: the whole system needs to wait for a new node to serially rebuild the failed node’s state by rerunning
Stream Analytics
- Real-time fraud detection / Spam compaigns
- Analytics of web services
- Billing, Advertisers
- Stream of data -> temporal analysis (within 1~2s) + comparison against a model
- Continuous queries
- Intensive FaultTolerance at sacle (O(100))
- Data Parallel
- custom-built for stream analytics (storm/heson/millwheel)
- batch systems tuned into steam analytics (SparkStream/MRonline)
- Parallel DB
- Aurora / Borealis, single node streaming DB
Drawback of MapReduce
- MapReduce: mappers informs JobTracker, JobTracker call Reducer, Reducer pulls the result from Mapper after Mapper finish
- Stream <w, 1> individually, pipe it into downstream Reducer
- there is no fault tolerance here
- too much packet over network
- How about: Mapper spill files as chunks of memory are filled, mapper pushes to appropriate reduce
- map fails:
- persist spill locally to HDFS
- prepare 2x mappers to perform tasks
- it is wasteful at most time
- would not help with straggler mapper
- reduce fails:
- restart reducer, and read data from mapper again
Spark Streaming
- divide continuous job into multiple small interval jobs
- the state at each timestep fully deterministic given the input data: no need for synchronization protocol
- dependencies between two states are smaller
- short, stateless, deterministic tasks
- reduceByKey: stateless operator
- reduceByWindow: stateful operator
- exactly once processing (storm consistency model: at most once or at least once)
Failure: parallel recovery
- When a node fails, each node in the cluster works to recompute part of the lost node’s RDDs: no cost of replication
- handle stragglers: can recover from stragglers using speculative execution
- using lineage for recovery: a graph of deterministic operations
- data skew may happen in one partition (one interval)
- 一个节点坏了后,以及雪崩效应