Reviews of DEMOS

Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


  • links provide both message paths and optional data sharing between tasks
  • Switchboard task is provided to allow mutually consenting arbitrary tasks to communicate
  • security is a big issue to Los Alamos


  • A process’s abilities are determined by the links that it holds. A process’s privileges are determined only by the links that it holds
  • not all machines have disks, remote paging is implemented


  • Switchboard is a single name server, which aids in establishing connections between processes like a telephone operator. Any process with a link to the switchboard has to:
    • announce itself to the world
    • request a link to another process that has already announced itself
  • Only one global switchboard. It’s location is broadcast across the network.
  • Local switchboard is an exact copy of the global switchboard
  • Once a new machine is booted, it posts a link to the switchboard
  • Machines are partitioned by multiple memory manager
  • A centralized recorder reliably stores all messages that are transmitted


  • channels are sockets? is just a way to provide multiplex
  • will the switchboard and the centralized recorder be the whole system’s bottleneck?
    • it would, if the number exceeds 1000
    • SB and recorder is fast, there will be hierachy SBs


  • everything is a link
  • link is equivalant to file descriptor(stdin, stdout, switchboard, processmanager, memorymanager), link a handle to object