remote write protocols, state machine replication

Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


2 nodes at first

Hard: keep both up to date

Assume: one-copy semantics or consistency or linearizability


  • getting distributed systems to agree is hard ~ consensus problem: many forms of consensus:
    • agree on value
    • leader election
    • ordered, atomic multicast
  • Consensus: is it possible?
    • Two generals problem

Why hard?

  • Efficiency
  • Failure: how to detect? (timing)
    • fail-stop model
      • it may be working
    • if failed, easy to detect
    • once failed, stays that way
    • byzantine failures: failed nodes may turn against you
  • Concurrency
Approach #1

just send all requests to each replica

  • Problems:
    • communication isn’t reliable: message loss leads to replica divergence
    • order: different replica would receive in different order
    • failure/ recovery: how to catchup
    • deterministic: different replica with same input would generate different output

Optimal Primary-Backup Protocols

  • a globally unique time
  • blocking protocols guarantee that processes view the result of the last write operation
  1. client sends request: all requests sent to primary
    • primary execute request
    • gather state that has changed, send to backup
    • backup stores state
    • primary ack client


  • ordering is easy: only one entry
  • determinism is no longer a problem


  • how to set timeout on failure detector?
    • too long: reduce availability
    • too short: split brain
  • when to ack client?
    • ack early:
      • latency is low
    • hard to maintain consistency: backup has not seen the updates
  • recovery time
    • tend to be conservative with timeout based failure detector
      • it takes a while before backup takeover (because of the timeout)
  • multiple backups
    • good: more fault tolerance
    • but:
      • more communication to keep replicas up to date
    • who takes over as primary?
      • could have fixed ordering among backup nodes
      • election(consensus)


  • Backup: catch up problem: how?
    • do logging to record what we have
    • entire state restore
  • Primary:
    • how to detect primary failure?
      • backup/client pings to primary: “are you alive?”
    • Failure detectors
      • timeout based


  • P/B: basic approach to replicated services but seems simple
  • issues exist
    • failure detection
    • still have to think about leader election

Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial
