- Bulk Synchronous Parallel model
- is a vertex state machine (think like a vertex)
- but may encounter the straggler problem
- use vertex-centric approach, graph parallel
- each vertex runs parallel: gather sum apply scatter
- address in-memory batch processing of large graphs
- terminate when all vertices are inactive and no more messages are in transit
- computation is performed on locally stored data
- Pregel only supports graphs that fit in memory
- master/workers model: the master partitions the input graph into partitions and assign it to a worker
- Global state?
- global aggregators
- phases of the algorithm
- using HDFS as underlying storage and loading into memory
- Graphs:
- hash-based
- vertex-cut based: the vertex and attached edges
- edge storage: byte array or hash
Graph processing
- push-based: when computation ends, sends message
- pull-based: pull information from neighbors
- graphlab: shared memory model
Consistency semantics
- push-based:
- pull-based: has race contention issues. needs locks over shared data
- distributed locks, a vertex split across multiple nodes needs to sequentially locks over all local edges
- synchronous: supersteps
- asynchronous: no need to wait for superstep to finish, could run eagerly
Other optimizations
- LALP: send only one message to one worker, the message would be replicated inside that worker
- master computer:
- working/active vertices are small
- master takes over sequential execution of remaining graph
- master track global state
- dynamic migration of vertices: for balancing
- giraph scales better with larger graphs, same number of machines
- use byte array, more efficient
- vertex mirroring causes significant network traffic
- graphlab scales better with larger number of machines for the same input graph
- Why graphlab asynchronous is slow?
- if the number of machines is small, it is fine
- too many distributed locking