Eventual Consistency

Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo

Strong Consistency

  • One copy, up to date
  • Why we need it? it is easier to implement certain applications
  • Why not? scale, latency, availability

Weaken Consistency

  • procuedure:
    1. client update to one server
      • commit update locally
      • later propagate updates
  • good: latency, availability
  • bad: harder to think about. e.g.,
    • weired results on read
    • conflicts on writes
      • ordering
    • conflicts is app-specific, hard to merge or resolve them


  • design for mobile distributed computing
  • push app logic into updates function
  • guarantee: eventually all updates are applied in the same order on all servers
  • goals:
    • substrate for distributed apps
    • not transparent: apps aware of distributed system
    • auto detect/resolution of write conflict
  • bayou’s stable log is “immutable”

What can we learn?

  • Integrating application logic is key to “correct” execution of “AP” distributed systems. R/W is bad
  • Lack of app-specific mechanisms in a coordination-free system is a recipe for data corruption
  • Merge/repair is a narrow API for developers to express their application conflicts
  • Alternatives like commutativity, I-confluence, and research tools like Bloom can help limit overhead

Bayou model

  • Data Collections: replicated at servers: machines in basement or laptops
  • Operations: queries/inserts of DB (read, write, insert, delete)
  • Client: interact with any(high availability) server
  • Provie developer with code: detect and react conflict
  • assume node would fail then recover
How to propagate updates?
  • Anti-entropy (epidemic)
  • Basic idea:
    • periodically, each server picks some other server randomly
    • do exchange of updates

Conflict Detect/Resolve

if Dependency_check(): # do you have $100 in account?
    Update_function() # transfer money
Merge_function() # log error
  • Dependency check, Merge protocol: establish state of DB
    • (query -> check for expected result, e.g., check existed primary ID)
    • if DB in expected: do update
    • e.g.
      • room reservation: expect room X is free @ 1~2 pm
    • bibliography DB: two editors input two very similar paper
  • Dependency check fails => merge, what does merge do?
    • try different forms of update are app specific “acceptable” (e.g., different rooms, times)
      • but at somepoint, can fail and log it

Replica Consistency

  • keys: well-defined order: unique timestamps
    • is this always needed? e.g., increment function
  • detect/merge: deterministic
    • internal and external (malloc)
  • how the replicas converge?
    • update: two states
      • tentative: might revert/change: so that we need to make a decision:
      • use majority/consensus approach
      • primary server
    • committed: final(stable)
anti-entropy protocol
  • primary server as a serialization point: make decisions for the cluster, even though it would accept request which generated later
  • if two nodes communicates, the older request win, while the result is still tentative

How to build?

  • write log, undo log (allow us to rewind, apply all old updates again)
