
Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


  • Both Hive-MR and Hive-Tez are CPU-bound during scan operations, which is Java deserialization
    • A faster Java deserialization lib or JSON lib would help a lot


  • Tez eliminates the startup and materialization overheads of MapReduce
    • However, it does not avoid Java deserialization overheads during scan operations
  • Tez pipelines data through execution stages instead of creating temporary intermediate files
  • optimization of correlated queries
  • predicate push-down and index filtering in ORC file
  • map-side join and aggregation


  • Impala is a shared-nothing parallel DB architecture
  • impalad is long running daemons on every DataNode
    • it reduces job initialization and scheduling multiple tasks per node
  • single threaded execution of joins and aggregations impedes performance
  • Impala could not recover from mid-query failures
    • it needs to re-run the whole query
  • without code generation, the query becomes CPU-bound


  • I/O is not Impala’s bottleneck in TPC-H, but Hive needs ORC
  • During scan operation, both Hive-MR and Hive-Tez are CPU-bound
    • because of Java deserialization
  • Hive knows how to share a common input, but Impala does not, it scans table twice (but it is not bad, since they are cached)


  • Hive procedure
    • scan lineitem
      • apply predicates
      • select columns
      • aggregate
    • map: do partial aggregate
      • shuffle to reduce
      • reduce: do global aggregate
      • sort
    • the number of mappers depends on the number of file partitions. e.g., the default replica is 3, at least 3 mappers
    • the number of reducers depends on the number of unique keys. It is <= number of distinct keys
  • Imapla
    • I/O initial
    • no intermediate writes
    • no scheduling
    • single thread join and aggregation


  • Hive
    • Hive map tasks:
      • read lineitem
      • do partial aggregate
      • read past-table
    • Hive reduce tasks:
      • do global aggregate
      • do join
      • do partial aggregate for the future join
  • Imapala stages:
    1. scan past table, broadcasts to all nodes
      • read lineitem, do partial aggregate, shuffle partial results
      • read lineitem, join with past result