- If L separates any pair of words {w1, w2…wn} then if L=L(M) M must have at least n states
- regular language
- formal language
- finite state transducer
- Definition: L sperates strings w, v. if for some u, exactly one of wu, vu is in L.
- Thm: if L=L(M) and Delta(q0, w)=Delta(q0, v) then L does not separate w and v
- deterministic finite automaton
- If L(M) separates every pair wi, wj(i!=j), then M has at least n states
- index(L)=”number of partitions induced by =-L”, language separate, partition
- pumping lemma
- Myhill-Nerode theorem
- nondeterministic finite automaton
Quotes Extraction
- regular expressions & pattern matching
- machine learning
- citizen-quotes is using [NLTK Maximum Entrophy Classifiers] (http://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/classify/maxent.html) as its ML classifier
- it is a supervised learning
- selected six features. Each feature is represented by a function that takes paragraph text as an input and returns either a boolean or categorical variable.
- common attribution words (said, asked, etc.)
- quote marks
- common attribution word within five words of a quote mark (“I love tacos,” Smith said.)
- how many words does it have in quotes (helps deal with the “air quotes” problem)
- what are the five words that fall immediately after a closed quote
- what is the last word in the paragraph
- common attribution words (said, asked, etc.)
- maxent figures out the most useful features and weighs them, then value the input paragraph
- citizen-quotes is using [NLTK Maximum Entrophy Classifiers] (http://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/classify/maxent.html) as its ML classifier
- Google inquotes is a experimental tool which is now under the shelf
Coreference resolution
Named-entity recognition
Terms to Know
- Conditional independence
- Language model
- Noisy channel model
- Bayes’ rule
- Marginal Probability
- Bloom filter
- N-gram
- Maximum Likelihood
- transition probability, emission probability
- Viterbi algorithm
- time complexity O(T**2 * n), T is the number of tags, n is the length
- Log-liner model
- Multinomial logistic regression
- Maximum entrophy Markov model
- Conditional random field
- there is algorithms for getting feature functions, NLP experts create it
- Parameter learnign use: Gradient descent
- Targeted projection pursuit
- sequence model