
Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


  • M/R programming model
  • Execution isssues, run time problems
  • Scheduling and fairness across jobs
    • greedy
    • fair scheduler (slot-based)
    • flow-based fair scheduler
  • large volumes of data distributed across many machines, process this data to get derived data

  • Map (k, v): outputs (k, v) pairs organized by k
    • file -> "w, 123"
  • Reduce (k, v) pairs output by map
    • for the same k, compute some aggregate over all values for key
    • "w", frequency

MR spec:

  1. a list of input files of “splits”
    • 16 ~ 64 MB <= B
    • number of splits == number of mappers - format of input, pattern - name of the mapper routine - output file space - number of reduce tasks - format of output - reducer routine - maximum number of machines - maximum resource for M/R

How to decide the number of M or R? not easy to decide

Master (job manager)

  • schedule reducers on-the-fly as its input is ready
  • wait for number of maps to finish
    1. allocate Maps (locality)
    1. reads split
      • passes (k, v), sort
      • mapper writes to local (files) that are key space partitioned
      • informs master when done
  • Reduces (completely random)
    1. master provides locations of files with initial data
      • reduce workers use tcp/http to retrieve
      • reads all input from all mappers sorts by k and feeds all record for a key to reduce()
      • written to a local tmp file
      • rename to a global FileSystem file
      • reduce reports to master


  1. workers may fail
    • reducers: recompute that in-progress failed tasks
    • mappers: all tasks of that worker are recomputed even though it is completed * master fail: re-run the whole task - dealing with stragglers:
    • fail end of a job, duplicate all tasks

Why there are outliers

  • machine difference
    • busy, bad: output is garbled -> recomputations
    • tasks contending
    • solution:
      • duplicate (resource use)
      • kill and restart (queue delay)
        • tnew < tcurrent, otherwise, it is not worthwhile to kill and restart
  • network performance, cross-rack traffic (needs network aware placement)
    • shared resource contention
    • data locality is not satisfying
    • reducers self-interfering on the same job
  • MapReduce partition imbalance, data skew
    • schedule tasks with more data earlier
    • multiple jobs needs affinity to nodes, racks, cluster
      • each of it has its own queen
        • pick a task at head -> greedy: but it could not ensure starvation
        • look at jobs that are far from fair quota (sticky-slot problem)
          • delay-scheduling: let the worker starve for a while to see if there is chance to find in-rack task, if wait number exceeds certain threshold, let this worker works


  • Mantri wants to do real-time analysis over the outliers
    • run task on other slave
    • use local network as much as possible
    • sort task by their sizes to reduce long task run time
  • Were I design the system, I would use a queuing system to store all the splitted task, shuffled partitions, then treat all slave machines as workers. As long as we could divide whole task into a fine grained level, we could almost balance the task excution time.
    • Once queue is empty, it would notify the master its corresponding mapreduce phase is done
    • A problem is one single queue may not be big enough to hold all data in its memory, we need Kafka
    • Drawback is we would at least double the network traffic (send to queue and read from queue)
      • But I think it is tolerable, since the major outlier problem lies in MapReduce itself and heterogenous machines
      • The main idea is to balance the transmition power with compute power of one cluster
        • So a further idea is to assign half tasks directly into workers. i.e., combines the action push and pull together
