Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo


  1. How to build large-scale computer systems? 1993
    • 1995: internet services (Brewer)
    • 1996: how to do DB sorting on SMP (Jim Gray)
    • 1997: clusters: Data; Hard to run at scale (performance)
    • 1999: look for a job (google nowsort)
    • 2003: GFS
    • 2004: MR (start to care about node failure) (faults at scale) - SMPs: shared memory machines ~ multicore (but it scales) - MPP: massively parallel processor - How about commodity hardware?
    • make a cluster
    • key technology: networks

Background, design goals and assumptions

  • store very large data sets reliably
  • streaming at high bandwidth (high throughput), not random file access
    • sequential read
    • data read/writes happen as fast as compute takes
  • large cluster
    • for checking and quick recovery
  • write-once-read-often
  • large as GBs ~ TBs; 10s of millions of such files spread across 100s ~ 1000s of nodes
  • Batch processing vs interactive queries
  • Directly attached storage
  • it is cheaper to move compute to data than the other way round
    • API using which “apps” can know where data blocks are located
    • iterative computation. e.g., downstream map to read and start processing reduce output
  • no RAID

HDFS Architecture


  • format NameNode
    • to create a file system instance, which is persistently stored on all nodes of the cluster
    • different cluster has different ID
  • write data
    1. if local memory >= 64 MB
      • NameNode creates a block and nominate three DataNodes
      • random other racks if rep > 3 * client writes them in a pipeline fashion
  • read data: try to read from the closest node
  • restart
    1. NameNode initializes the namespace image from the checkpoint
      • replay the journal log, which locates in local host native file system
  • RAM: namespace, block locations (from DN’s block report hourly)
  • Disk:
    • Checkpoint: persistent record of the image stored in disk
    • image: the meta-data of each file: inode data and the list of blocks belonging to the file


  • start
    1. handshake to verify namespace ID and software version
      • register a storage ID for identifying DataNode
  • live heartbeat
    • sent block report to NameNode every hour
    • heartbeat every 3s, 10 minutes are considered out of service
    • NameNode instructions are on replies of heartbeat
  • each block is represented by two files: one for data, one for block’s metadata (checksum)

Image and Journal

  • The namespace image is the file system metadata that describes the organization of application data as directories and files
  • A persistent record of the image written to disk is called a checkpoint
    • it would be stored in multiple directories, e.g., in different volumes
    • once namespace information lost, it would be lost partly or entirely
    • if error on writing journal to one of the storage directories, it excludes that directory from the list of storage directories
    • NameNode shuts down if no storage directory is available
  • Batch commits for multithreaded system
    • multiple transactions would be commited together to get rid of flush-and-sync operation

Checkpoint Node

  • download the current checkpoint and journal files from the NameNode, merges them locally, and returns the new checkpoint back to the NameNode
  • good practice: create daily checkpoint

Backup Node

  • maintains an in-memory, up-to-date image of the file system namespace that is always synchronized with the state of the NameNode
  • can be viewed as a read-only NameNode. It contains all file system metadata information except for block locations(from DNs’ block reports)

Upgrade and Snapshot

  • Snapshot creation is an all-cluster effort rather than a node-selective event
    • NameNode would create a new checkpoint
    • DataNode would copy-on-write: create a copy of storage directories with hard links
  • On upgrade failure
    1. the namespace would roll back
      • NameNode would not recognize new files, new files on DataNodes would be deleted

Block Placement

  • No DataNode contains > 1 replica of any block
  • No rack contains > 2 replicas of the same block, provided there are sufficient racks


  • No authentications (you are who your host says you are), file permissions -> use Kerberos
  • Directory sub-tree should have quota
  • Correlated failure:
    • failure of a rack or core switch
    • loss of electrical power to the cluster: a large cluster will lose a handful of blocks during a power-on restart
  • NameNode memomry is limitation
    • Java GC makes NameNode unresponsive when memory usage is high

Read inconsistency

  • The writer’s lease does not prevent other clients from reading the file; a file may have many concurrent readers
  • HDFS permits a client to read a file that is open for writing
  • HDFS allows the user to retrieve its data from the corrupt replicas if all replicas are corrupt


  • Overall, HDFS doesnot gurantee reliability
  • Secondary NameNode。它不是HA,它只是阶段性的合并edits和fsimage,以缩短集群启动的时间。当NameNode(以下简称NN)失效的时候,Secondary NN并无法立刻提供服务,Secondary NN甚至无法保证数据完整性:如果NN数据丢失的话,在上一次合并后的文件系统的改动会丢失。
  • Backup NameNode (HADOOP-4539)。它在内存中复制了NN的当前状态,算是Warm Standby,可也就仅限于此,并没有failover等。它同样是阶段性的做checkpoint,也无法保证数据完整性。
  • Avatar NameNode: Facebook HA, put editlog in NFS. Since NFS has higher reliability
  • Zookeeper
  • Hadoop HA
  • Hadoop 2.0中单点故障解决方案总结



  • Snapshot would largely decrease the risk of upgrade failure. Since the upgrade frequency is low, it is acceptable to perform a overall snapshot
  • The performance of this batch system is guaranteed by combine multiple transcations commits together
  • Single Write simplifies file operations, and in the user cases, multiple writes rarely happens


  • Pipeline writes is not fast enough if datanodes is much larger than 3, in this case, the client would wait for a while to get packet ACK
    • I personally would config the dfs.replication.min as 2, and it would return as soon as data is written into 2 datanodes
  • A whole cluster is limited solely by the master memory size, so it would be very inefficient to have large quantity of small files
  • Secondary NameNode is always fall behind master, so there is a possibility that it would lose data when master fails permanently
