- Fire hydrant: 15ft
- Red flashing school bus: stopped at 20ft
- railroad parking: 25ft
- crosswalk parking: 15ft
- 提前打信号灯: 100ft
- school zone when children are present: 15mph
- 商业居民区限速: 25mph
- 1 drink: 2 hours, 2 drink: arrested
- 不交保险: $500
- report accident: >$1000 or death
- habitual offended status: revoked for 5 years
- 4+ convictions in 5 years
- 12+ minor violation in 5 years
- when in GDL, no seat belt: additional 6 months GDL restrictions
- 住址变更要10天内交代
- Accident reports: 10 days
- Child safety seats: until the age of 4
- 直走红灯,左转绿灯时有通行权
- 撞了空车要留联系方式
- 坡上停车front wheels away from the curb,然后倒退使前轮贴住马路牙子
- 转弯停车的时候不要转轮胎,否则可能被后方撞击
- work zone是橘底黑字
- center lane可供两边车道left turn