Concurrency Control
- much more deeper detail
- efficiency algorithm (performance rather than correctness)
- degree of consistency (between chaos and perfect)
- What concurrent access to data?
- performance (e.g. transaction:
- T1: transfer moeny from A to B
- T2: giving 6% interest rate to all accounts)
- Idea: structure access to DB as a bunch of Transactions
- each transaction takes DB from consistant state to consistant state
- then serial execution of a set of transactions guarantees consistency
- want to run transactions concurrently but it should “look like” they ran serially
- certain “conflicts” enforce another on the transactions
- WR, RW, WW
- Techniques: build serialization graph
- Schedule is conflict serializable if and only if the serialization graph has no cycles
- performance (e.g. transaction:
- Serialization graph
- nodes for transactions
- edge from T1 to T2 if there is a RW, WR, WW conflict from T1 to T2
2 Phase Locking
- S: Shared (read anything without any more locks)
- X: eXclusive
- IS: Intension Shared (have the permission to ask for S later)
- IX: Intension eXclusive
- SIX: S + IX, S on the file, IX can lock file later and lock record X
- S conflicts with IX: S holds the read, IX will never acquire X later
- IS would not conflicts with IX: they will deal the lock later
- before reading a data item, get on S-lock on it
- before writing, get an X-lock (like read-write lock)
- once a transaction releases a lock, it can never get another lock
- Proglems: e.g., T1-W(X), T2-R(X), T1-abort, which could T2 read wrong data
- workaround, cascading killing everyone touch X; T2 should not commit before T1; Strict 2PL
- Proglems: e.g., T1-W(X), T2-R(X), T1-abort, which could T2 read wrong data
Theorem: 2 Phase Locking means only conflict serializable schedules result
Strict 2PL
Hold all locks untim commit or abort. Releasing phase only lasts for the last moment
Granularity of Locks
- T1: update balance of account 517,231
- T2: compute sum of all IM balances
- T3: scan university payroll, lower salary of all TAs making over $100,000
- read many, update few
- Records Lock
- great for T1 (high concurrency)
- bad for T2 (too many locks)
- Files Lock
- great for T2 (low overhead)
- bad for T1 (low concurrency)
- T1 locks at record level; T2 locks at file level
- idea1: set intention lock on path to the object you want to lock (lock file for T1 record lock)
- protocol: to get an S(X) ock on an object, get IS(IX) on all ancestors in the granularity hierarchy
- DB(IX)->File(IX)->Page(IX)->Record(X)
- protocol: to get an S(X) ock on an object, get IS(IX) on all ancestors in the granularity hierarchy
- idea2: get locks top-down, release bottom up
- exclusive access lock all paths; shared access lock one
- path: DB->Index->Record
- need to consider implicit & explicit locks
- explicit lock page means implicit lock records, which implicit lock all the indexes
- However, lock indexes is very weired (it would block everyone out) (correct, but inefficient)
- explicit lock page means implicit lock records, which implicit lock all the indexes
- writer get IX locks on all paths to object they wish to X-lock
- idea1: set intention lock on path to the object you want to lock (lock file for T1 record lock)
Lock all table while scanning cause concurrency problem, see A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels
- degree 0 short write locks
- locks during update, not the whole transaction
- loss update: T1 lock update unlock, T2 lock commit unlock, T1 abort
- there is not a problem if T1 commit rather than abort
- in practical, too crazy: the transaction is unrecoverable, it commits before the end of transaction
- degree 1 long write locks
- X locks on update items, hold it to the end
- dirty read: T1 lock update unlock, T2 read directly and forcely, T1 abort (T2 breaks the rule: get a no-lock, T2 not even ask the lock manager)
- degree 2 long write, short read
- to solve dirty read: T2 should try obtain a S lock before reading
- unrepeatable read: T1 update X, commit; T2 read X; T3 update X; T3 commit; T2 read X
- programmer could not avoid this problem by using temp variable
- temp would be too big
- implicit join performed by the DB itself
- programmer could not avoid this problem by using temp variable
- degree 3 long write, long read == 2PL (strict 2PL)
Lock manager maintains db strcuture
- is a hashtable
- lock request: (object_id, transaction_id, lock)
- record: (rid, fileid, …) P is an object
- imagine in a queue: T1 has S lock, T2 has IS; T3 wants X lock; T4 X; T5 S; T6 IS
- T3 wait (blocked) for T1 T2 finish, T4 T5 is waiting too
- why not let T5 finish its S in a compatible group (executed along with T1 T2)?
lock and latch
- locks consists serializable capability of transaction actions
- lock cannot guarantee serializbility (e.g., short write lock)
- lock is on the higher level
- latch exclusive excess to physical data structures
- exists within the data structure
- more lightweight than locks (an external hashtable)
- latch will prevent one page from moveing during a read (operation) by others
Suppose: T1 S, T2 S (there will come a T3 S later)
- if T1 wants upgrade to an X, how?
- T1 would hang on S and want X (T1 would wait for T2 to finish)
- if T2 also wants to upgrade?
- put T2 in the tail of queue
- what if there is an T3 also has S?
- if T1, T2 waits after T3 without releasing read lock, it would be deadlock
- so, put T1, T2 upgrade requests before T3, while still hold their S locks
- T1, T2 causes a deadlock (ask X while not release S) (T1 S, T2 S, T2 asks X, T1 asks X, T3)
- what if there is an T3 also has S?
- put T2 in the tail of queue
Deadlock detection
build arcs for waiting relation (e.g., T1 watis for T2), search for cycles
deadlock resolution
- pick and transaction and kill: victim selection
- youngest transaction
How do granularity decide to do
- lock deletion, start at record level, a page scan transaction
- if transaction locks >=3 records in a page, escalate to page lock
- if locks >= pages in a file, escalate to a file lock
Optimisitc CC
- build serialization graph, validate: is anything unserializable
- kill those transaction on overlapped data (please kill myself)
Procedure: three phases
- Read: All writes are private
- Validate: Check for conflict
- Write: Make private write public
Consider, Ti, Tj, 3 condiitons ensuring it is consistent to assume Ti precede Tj
- Ti completet write phase before Tj starts raed phase
- WriteSet(Ti) INTERSECT ReadSet(Tj) == empty and Ti completes write phase before Tj starts write phase
- because Ti read < Ti write < Tj write - WriteSet(Ti) INTERSECT ReadSet(Tj) == empty and WriteSet(Ti) INTERSECT WriteSet(Tj) == empty and Ti completes read before Tj completes read
Question, who is Ti, who checks whom?: The later checks the previous one, I am always Tj
Serial Validation
first two scenario above could use serial validation
global transaction number, tnc:
- a “real” assignment of a transaction number takes place only after the write phase
- unneccesasary to assign transaction number to read-only transactions
at the end of read phase, tnc is assigined to finish_tn
<< Critical Section Code: #: next transaction would have currentTransactionNumber, indicates who after who finish_tn = currentTransactionNumber valid = true # for all the transactions are running during my validation phase for t from start_tn + 1 to finish_tn do # there is WR conflict if WS(t) INTERSECT RS(this transaction) != empty: then valid = False if valid: then {write-phase, currentTN++, tn = currentTN} >>
Parallel Validation
would handle the third scenario
<< Critical Section Code:
finish_TN = currentTN
finish_active = copy of active
#: transactions completed read phase but not write phase
active = active UNION this transaction
# This part is concurrent
valid = True
# these validated before me
for t from start_tn to finish_tn do:
if WS(t) INTERSECT RS(this transaction) != empty:
then valid = False
# these are validating at the same I am validating
for t in finish_active:
if WS(t) INTERSECT RS(this transaction) != empty or
WS(t) INTERSECT WS(this transaction) != empty:
then valid = False
if valid then {
tn = currentTN
active = active - {this transaction}
} else
<< active = active - {this transaction} >>
Note: write-phase() should be done before currentTN++ to prevent new transaction from skipping check this transaction which is still in write phase
- Locking good in high-contention workloads
- reason: with locking XACTs wait, rather than executing & aborting (optimistic would abort frequently, it is a waste of time) - Low contention is good for optimistic
- reason: but maybe not as good as hope, since cost of getting lock is not that much worse than maintaining RS & WS, RS & WS costs
Timestamp CC
- each XACT gets a timestamp when it starts
- each data item X has
- RTS(X): read timestamp of most recent read
- WTS(X): write timestamp of most recent write
if a XACT with timestamp T wants to read X:
if T < WTS(X):
T aborts
read proceeds;
set RTS(X) = max(RTS(X), T) # because there is younger read
if XACT with timestamp T wants to write X:
if T < RTS(X):
T aborts
if T < WTS(X):
T aborts* # * can also just ignore write, XACT would proceed after it
write proceeds;
set WTS(X) = T
Multiversion CC
multiple version of data items
- RTS(Xi): read timestamp of transaction Xi
- WTS(Xi): write timestamp of transaction Xi
read of X by transaction with timestamp T
- find version Xi with largest write timestamp <= T (most recent write timestamp)
- read it & set RTS(Xi) = max(RTS(Xi), T)
Write of X by transaction with timestamp T
find most recent version of Xi with WTS(Xi) < T
if RTS(Xi) > T: abort else: # even if T < largest WTS(Xi) create new version Xj RTS(Xj) = WTS(Xj) = T
What if dirty read occurs? Read new version X, while it aborts afterwards
- New version are “private” until transaction commits, not let others see it
- At commit time, transaction gets a “commit-timestamp”
- want to create new versions of updated objects with WTS = commit-timestamp (the WTS is postponed)
- if any other T2 with commit-timestamp in (start, commit) interval of this XACT, abort (first commit wins)
- However, Oracle insists on first locker wins
- else commit, make updates visible
If the problem could be solved by NFA, then we can get DFA, then the algorithm
A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels
ANSI phenomena
- P1(dirty read): T1 modifies X, T2 reads X, T1 aborts
- P2(non-repeatable reads): T1 reads X, T2 write X, T1 re-reads X
- P3(phantom): T1 reads data items satisfying predicate P; T2 inserts record satisfying P; T1 re-reads items satisfying P
- w1[x] XACT 1 writes x
- r2[y] XACT 2 reads y
- c1 XACT 1 commits
- a1 XACT 1 aborts
P* is wide interpretation, is not precise English, proposed by ANSI
A* is strict interpretation
A1: dirty read: w1[x] r2[x](a1 and c2 in either order)
P1: w1[x] r2[x]((c1 or a1) and (c2 or a2) in either order)
A2: r1[x] w2[x] c2 r1[x] c1
P2: r1[x] w2[x]((c1 or a1) and (c2 or a2) in either order)
A3: r1[P] w2[y in P] c2 r1[P] c1
P3: r1[P] w2[y in P]((c1 or a1) and (c2 or a2) any order)
P0: dirty write: w1[x] w2[x]((c1 or a1) or (c2 or a2) in any order)
Isolation Levels
- Degree 0: no read locks, short write locks
- Degree 1: Locking Read Uncommited - no read locks, long write locks
- Degree 2: Locking Read Commited - short read locks, long write locks
- cursor never goes back
- Cursor Stability: short read locks on current of cursor, short predicate read locks, long write locks
- what’s the difference from Degree 2’s short read locks
- Cursor Stability: short read locks on current of cursor, short predicate read locks, long write locks
- Locking repeatable read, long read locks, short predicate locks, long write locks
- Degree 3 = Locking serializable = long read locks on items & predicates, long write locks
Serializable A5B - write skew
| P3 phantoms
Repeatable read A5B A3
| P2
Cursor Stability
| P4C (loss update) (ANSI miss this)
Read Committed (Degree 2) - A5A - Snapshot Isolation
| P1
Read Uncommitted
| P0
Degree 0
Snapshot Isolation
A5A(Read Skew):
r1[x] w2[x] w2[y] c2 r1[y](c1 or a1): r1[y] reads the old snpashot version before XACT2
A5B(Write Skew):
r1[x] r2[y] w1[y] w2[x](c1 and c2)
e.g., r1[x=50] r2[y=50] r2[x=50] r2[y=50] w1[y=-40] w2[x=-40](c1) c2 (constraint x+y>0) This would happen since XACTs use the same version
Snapshot isolation is multiversion CC, which prevents dirty reads/writes, A5A but not A5B. So READ COMMITTED « Snapshot Isolation
Look for the right sibiling if the target key is greater than hi-key which stores the biggest value of this slot
Algorithm for modifying a page x:
A = get(x) // read x into memory
modify data in A
put(A, x) // write changes to disk
Search for v (always keeps an eye on the right hi-key):
current = root
A = get(current)
while (current is not a leaf) {
# "scannode" finds appropriate pointer in A when looking for v
current = scannode(v, A)
A = get(current)
while ((t = scannode(v, A)) is a linkpointer) {
current = t
A = get(current)
if v is in A:
return SUCCESS
return FALSE
Insert (lock chaining: require 2 locks at the same, throw one and get new one):
Initialize stack
current = root
A = get(current)
while (current is not a leaf) {
t = current
current = scannode(v, A)
if (current is not a linkpointer)
push t
A = get(current)
if A is safe: # A has room
insert new key/ptr pair on A
put(A, current)
else: # has to split
u = allocate new page for B
redistribute A over A & B
y = max value on A now
make high key of B equal old high key of A # strech node A into two nodes, but the maximum remains the same
make right link of B equal old right link to A
make high key of A equal y
make right link of A point to B
put(B, u)
put(A, current)
# update the parent to prevent the horizontal link lists from becoming too big
oldnode = current
new key/pointer pair = (y, u)
current = pop(stack) # picking the parent
A = get(current)
move_right() // might hold 3 locks
goto DoInsertion
- Why needs to check the right sibiling after checking the hi-key?
- if new data is bigger than hi-key, it should check if current node has not been splitted
- What if not requiring 2 locks before insert?
- current node may be splitted by other XACT, then the new data may fail to find the right node to insert(not simply the right sibling)
- Why non-strict 2PL is not equivalent to the four levels consistency
- Level 0, 1 do not have read locks
- Level 2 allows short read, which means you could acquire it later
- Level 3 only releases write lock after commit
- Importan things about lock paths
- writers have to lock all paths, while readers only have to lock 1 path
- implicit locks should be considered
- to get implicit X lock on a node, all of its parents must be locked in X mode
- if the node is record, it would affect all the pages and indexes
- if only lock in IX mode, another XACT may get IS then request S lock
- to get implicit X lock on a node, all of its parents must be locked in X mode
- Does it make sense to use SIX on a record?
- No, if record is the lowest granularity. Normal S or X would help
- When upgrades an SIX to X lock on a file, where should this upgrade request go in the requests queue?
- This request should go immediately after current “granted group” which include the SIX and some IS locks
Multiversion CC
- When is it safe to delete an old version?
- When there is no active transaction that could use it – that is, the timestamp of the oldest active transaction is greater than the timestamp of the oldest version of the record.
- A version can be deleted when the oldest transaction has a newer version that it can read
- How can a reader reads without blocks?
- readers would read version matches current start time which would be checked by CC
- Give an example allowed in multi-version CC but not in strict 2PL
- S2PL release its write (exclusive) locks only after it has ended. read (shared) locks are released regularly during phase 2
Optimisitc CC
- Three validation conditions ensure safe. Ti has already commited
- Ti completed write before Tj starts read
- Ti completed write before Tj starts write. And WS(Ti) has no overlap on RS(Tj)
- Ti completed read before Tj completes read. And WS(Ti) has no overlap with RS(Tj) or WS(Tj)
- Ti completed write before Tj starts read
- If Ti proceeds Tj, can TNC of Ti > Tj?
- Not possible in serial validation
- Possible in parrallel validation
- validation phases are not serialized. Ti could enter validation before Tj and exit after Tj
- So that Ti will get larger TNC
- Where parallel validation is better than serial validation
- validation and write phases could be overlapped if their RS WS has no conflicts
- Compared with 2PL, what is the extra information needs by Optimistic CC
- read, write sets of transactions
- private writer buffers for updates
- “finish acitve” sets for parallel validation
- current transaction number
B-link tree
- How can updates go wrong with only one lock during move_right?
- If holds one lock, XACT would holds no lock during “move_right”. Another transaction could insert or split previous nodes.
- What if there is no lock when performing read?
- XACT may wait for read lock. After a while, it wakes up and finds the target item is gone(splitted)
- How to prevent above anomaly?
- if a key moves, it only moves to the right
- adding right link pointers and high keys to access right siblings
- Why B-link could achieve high concurrency?
- The key is not simply stay in a subtree or a leaf. They are connected by right-links and indicated by high keys
- Since index pages are not shared or updated in an arbitrary way, is there any requirments on them?
- On updating, the page is read into private storage atomically. The reads only see a completed write or not see them at all. Writes so that can not conflict
- When will get 3 locks?
- one on a sibling in a just-split node, and two at the next level up as it looks for the proper insertion point