
Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo

Approximation is hard

  1. sampling and sketches
    • low space and time complexity
    • make strong assumptions about the query workload - on-line aggregation
    • highly variable performance
    • make fewer assumptions about the query workload
      • OLA may need to read the entire table to compute a result with satisfactory error bounds


  • a distributed sampling-based approximate query processing system
  • allow users to pose SQL-based aggregation queries over stored data
  • make no assumptions about the attribute values in the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses
    • only assume query column sets or QCSs are stable over time
    • <genre, city> --determine--> unique values -> strata samples
    • sample based on each column set, not on values
      • samples may be too large: needs to reuse the other samples’ common data (common fields)
  • two main modules:
    • sample creation
    • sample selection
  • contributions
    • use a column-set based optimization framework to compute a set of stratified samples, while takes into account:
      • the frequency of rare subgroups
    • the column sets in the past queries
    • the storage overhead of each sample
    • create error-latency profiles (ELPs) for each query at runtime to estimate its error or response time on each available sample
    • could integrate into Hive
  • Supported Queries:
    • support standard SQL aggregate queries: COUNT, AVG, SUM and QUANTILE
      • on the other hand, bootstrapping is a more general approach, which supports UDF, but also needs more iterations on picking samples (BlinkDB relies on statistics from SUM, AVG, COUNT and QUANTILE etc)
    • does not support arbitrary joins and nested SQL queries
      • any nested queries or joins can be flattened to run
    • in joining with large table, the smaller table (dimension tables) should be fit into main memory of any single node in the cluster
      • dimension tables are all tables except the largest
    • 70% dimension tables < 100 GB, which could be easily cached

Key ideas

  1. builds and maintains a set of multi-dimensional stratified samples from orginal data over time
    • a dynamic sample selection strategy that selects an appropriately sized sample based on a query’s accuracy or response time requirements

Sample Creation

  • sample越大error越小
  • stratified sampling: ensures rare subgroups are sufficiently represented
    • uniform sampling may miss some groups by chance
    • best choice is to assign equal sample size to each groups
      • the assignment of sample sizes is deterministic, not random
  • Goal function: aims to maximize the weighted sum of the coverge of the QCSs of the queries: 覆盖越多QCSs越好
    • G = sum(Probability * covererage_by_other_QCSs * number_of_groups_which_is_sparsity_for_query_QCS)

workload taxonomy

  1. predictable queries: traditional DBs use such a model for lossless synopsis
    • predictable query predicates
    • predictable QCSs: assuming the frequency of the sets of columns used for grouping and filtering does not change over time
    • though the exact values of QCSs are unpredictable
    • this model can decide the columns on which building indices would optimize data access
    • 这样的sample结果又小又通用
    • QCSs would be relatively stable over time in Facebook - unpredictable queries: you have no choice but to uniformly sampling data


  1. 近似与找到一个最大average number K (refer paper for details)
    • for each value: if sample_size > K: pick K random items as sample else: pick the whole corresponding items as value


  • it is not necessary that the samples in the family be selected independently
    • sample A could reuse sample B’s items if they have overlap
  • samples are stored sequentially according to the order of columns
  • if there are multiple blocks for a sample, the rows are distributed randomly
    • we only need to read a subset of the blocks to satisfy the required sample size

Runtime Sample Selection

  1. run Q in parallel on in-memory subsets of all samples currently maintained by the system
    • select those have high selectivity: high number of rows selected by Q - based on the result of running query on subsample data, and its response time and relative error with respect to sample sizes
    • to construct ELP of the query for each sample - after picking sample, then pick sample size
    • error depends on:
      • variance of the underlying data distribution
    • actual number of tuples processed in the sample
      • in turn depends on the selectivity of a query’s predicates
    • latency depends on:
      • sample size
    • scaling rate depending on the exact query structure (JOINS, GROUP BYs etc)
    • physical placement of its input
    • underlying data distribution - do bias correction on popular subgroups (since the popular subgroups have been shrinked to only K items)

Implementaion Concerns

  • multiple queries might use the same sample, so the answers are correlated
    • periodically replacing the set of samples used in background
  • workload might change over time
    • keep track of statisticla properties of the underlying data (e.g., variance and percentiles)
    • periodically runs the sample creation module to recompute these properties and decide whether the set of samples needs to be changed
  • uniform samples are generally created in a few hundred seconds, while stratified samples takes between a 5 ~ 30 minutes