Zhaoyu Luo bio photo By Zhaoyu Luo

Course Main Topics

  • Learning from Data
  • View problem solving as heruristic search through a large space of possible solutions
  • Use probabilistic reasoning and learning
  • Use logical reasoning – representing knowledge about the world in computers
  • Neural networks
  • Philosophical Foundation of AI

Class Mottos so far

  • Generalize do not memorize
  • Let the data decide

ID3 Algorithms

  1. no examples left, return majority class at parent as leaf
    • all examples same category, return leaf with that category
    • no features left, returning majority class in examples as leaf

base cases

recursive case

  • choose the best feature and use it label an interior node
  • recur on each possible value of the chosen feature

General ML issues covered

  • supervised ML, e.g. examples have labels
  • fixed-length feature vectors, 99.9% pratical way
  • info theory/ gain/ needed/ remaining
  • expected_value calculations
  • overfitting reduction
  • TRAIN/ TUNE/ TEST sets
  • Ensemble
    • Why not learn multiple models? Which works well and is work
    • Why not score only a small subset of the candidate features
    • bagging
    • boosting
  • learning curve
  • fundamental problem-solving method used to create intelligence behavior (heuristics are where “intelligence” comes in)
  • basic idea in search
    • OPEN holds alternates
    • key questions: which node to consider next?
    • CLOSED: deal with OO-loops
    • sometimes arcs have cost and we want least-cost solution
    • OPEN & CLOSED can grow rapidly, so we need to deal with that
    • remember search space built as we go
  • tree traversal
  • beam search
  • iterative deepening depth-first search
  • best-first search

hill climbing

weakness: stops at local max

Why stop if not at a GOAL?

  • if we really need a goal, then use beam search with beam width=1
  • but some tests do not have explicit goal states, and so we want to max h
  • if we can generate multiple start nodes, then an excellent algo is to do hill climbing N times and keep best(though not a guarantee)
  • what if we only have 1 start state?
    • could make k random moves, then do hill climbing
    • or could sometimes accept bad moves – simulated annealing

simulated annealing

    // Assume *h* higher is better
    current = start state
    for time = 1 to maxTime
        temp = coolingSchedule(time) // as time higher, temp lower
        if temp == 0:
            return current
        next = randomChildOf(current)
        delta_h = h(next) - h(current)
        if delta_h >= 0:
            current = next // move uphill
        elif random() <= e ** (delta_h / temp):
            current = next // sometimes accept **bad** moves
    return current

    if abs(delta_h) >> temp:
        acceptanceProbability == 0
    if abs(delta_h) << temp:
        acceptanceProbability == 1
    if abs(delta_h) ~~ temp:
        acceptanceProbability == 1/e


  • HC/Beam Search/Simmulated Annealing
    • OPEN can get large, so we limit size (sometimes just to 1)
    • might throw best (or even all) goal nodes
  • BFS/DFS/Best/Iterative Deepening

Genetic algorithm

  • it is a framework more than an algorithm
    1. choose a knowledge representation and randomly create an initial population of entities
      • evaluate each entity (the “fitness function”)
      • discard N% (e.g. 50%)
      • stochastically grab best parents and combine them (“cross over”) to create new entities
      • do some mutation (“bit flips”)
      • goto 1
  • premature convergence
    • are population might lose diversity, i.e. consist of a lot of very similar entities
    • imagine A + child(A) are crossed over, then children will be 75% similar to A
  • Genetic Programming: data structures are something other than bit strings
  • GA as Searching a Space
GA as manipulating bit strings
  1. assume we have a knowledge representation that uses k bits per entity. e.g.
    • a 101101
    • b 011011 - cross over: pick a random location in the bit string, then copy first portion[0:3] from parent a and the second portion[4:] from parent b:
    • d 011001
    • c 101111 - mutation, randomly flip j bits of some children
Fitness Function
  • task specified
  • e.g. play M games of chess, fitness = fraction won; evaluate bit string an training set, fitness = accuracy
  • higher better
  • we will assume non-negative fitness values
    • if fitnesses < 0, transform using new_fitness = e ** fitness
  • fitness-proportional reproduction
    • probability of selecting entity i with fitness *Fi* = Fi / sum(Fj)
GA for supervised machine learning

assume we wish to learn models of the form

if sum(Weight_d * Value(Feature_d)) >= threshold:
    then predict TRUE
    else predict FALSE

Our bit string will have d+1 (d is the number of features) real represented as P-bits each

Building-block hypothesis
  • if local neighbouring bits encode goal “subroutines” then GA can find good combination of subroutines
  • GA is likely to work better when the fitness functions “rewards”/recognizes valuable subskills

Interesting idea: let the fitness function eval as well, called coevaluation

Another GA Ex-chess playing
  • learn the SBE
  • fitness: fraction of games won against random opponents


  • costs on arcs
  • game playing

First Half Recap

  • Learn from data
  • Search for solution
  • Projecting possible futures
  • Simulate biology/physics to get intelligent algorithms: genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, neural networks

  • d-forests: decreased error rate by 25% (by 8 percentage points)
    • Assume tax rate is 5%, it increases by 1%, what is new tax rate?


Some Rules of Probability

  1. 0 <= P(A) <= 1
    • P(true) == 1, P(false) == 0
    • P(A   B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A^B)
    • P(A^B) = P(B A) * P(A) = P(A B) * P(B)
    • P(^A) = 1 - P(A)
    • If A and B are independent events, P(A^B) = P(A) * P(B)
    • conditional independence: P(A B^C) = P(A C)  
      - P(A^B C) = P(A B^C) * P(B C)
    • if conditional independece: P(A^B C) = P(A C) * P(B C)
    • multi-symptom: P(D S1, S2…Sn) = P(S1, S2…Sn D) * P(D) / P(S1, S2…Sn)

Basic Idea

  • create probabilities that only involve AND and NOT
  • “AND in” all remaining variables
  • lookup each full specified world states
  • do the arithmetic
  • these full joint probability tables can easily become too large, so we cannot do table lookup and need another method
    • Bayesian Networks could fill every cell in the full joint probability table
    • Full Joint has 2 ** (N+1) cells
    • Naive Bayesian has 2 * N + 1 cells
      • Naive Bayesian can fill the full joint table


  • an acyclic, directed graph where nodes are our random variables and arcs represent direct dependencies
  • P(A, ^B, ^C, D, E) = P(A) * (1 - P(B)) * (1 - P(C A and ^B)) * P(D) * P(E ^C and D)
    • A, B are independent and parents of C; C, D are parents of E
  • P(A, ^B, C, D) = P(A, ^B, C, D, ^E) + P(A, ^B, C, D, E)
  • P(B ^A, C, ^D, E) = P(^A, B, C, ^D, E) / P(^A, C, ^D, E)
  • P(A B) = P(B A) * P(A) / P(B)
where does the graph structure come from?
  • from expert knowledge
  • from search (using some data)
Some Java for Bayesian Network
int s1_win[] = new int[3]
int s2_win[] = new int[3]
// 10 dimensional domains
Going Naive Bayes
  • D is the parent of Si, and S2 is the parent of S1
    • P(S1 D^S2) * Pi(P(Si D)) * P(D), i >= 2
      • since P(A^B C) = P(A B^C) * P(B C) # conditional independence
      • so = P(S1^S2 D) * Pi(P(Si D)) * P(D), i >= 3
Full Joint Probability as a Bayesian Network

P(A^B^C^D) = P(A^B^C | D) * P(D) = P(A^B | C^D) * P(C|D) * P(D) = P(A | B^C^D) * P(B | C^D) * P(C|D) * P(D)

Markov Blanket

  • A node in a BN is conditionaly independent of all other node given its Markov Blanket
    • its parent, its children and its children’s other parents

Assume we have ran variables A to Z, we can answer any query of the form (unnamed ran variables are hiddent, intently) P(A^!H^!M | !B^D^Q^!Z) use marginalization rules and P(A|B) = P(AB) / P(B)